Unnatural demands of Manpower businessman Tanka Ghising on Nims Dai on the grounds of house burning, style of blackmail!

A terrible fire broke out in Kapan (Budhanilkanth Municipality Ward No. 11) of Kathmandu on the evening of September 21, 2022. A two-and-a-half-storey house was completely destroyed by fire. The house was Tanka Ghising who had a permanent home in Taplejung. The fire that started from the ground floor of the house not only damaged the house but also killed three people. The ground floor of the house where there was a fire was rented by Elite Himalayan Adventure Company.The owner of the company is record mountaineer Nirmal Purja (Nims Dai).

Three employees of this company, Ashok Rai of Sankhuwasabha, Kasang Sherpa of Taplejung and Chhewang Sherpa of Solukhumbu lost their lives in the fire. Ghising, the householder, lost his residence. Office of Elite Himalayan Adventure Company has been opened. But even after a year and a half, the dispute between the wife and the company has not been resolved. This dispute is increasing day by day.

Ghising is currently knocking the door of the court saying that Purja’s company has not paid compensation. He has demanded a compensation of 58 million from Purja’s company. But Govind Baruwal, representative of Elite Himalayan Adventure Company, says that his demand is not justified. This case has not been resolved since the beginning of the dispute.

The representatives of Elite Himalayan Adventure Company allege that the Ghising family is disrespecting Nirmal Purja by making this matter controversial. The Ghising family has been protesting against Nirmal Poorja by going to various events from social media. A few days ago, Purja complained that the Ghising family made many accusations against Purja after reaching a program held at a hotel in Kathmandu.

This is the crux of the controversy

The main point of dispute between housewives Tanka Ghising and Nirmal Purja is the compensation amount. House Owner Ghising had demanded 5.8 Crore compensation for the house since the beginning. Nirmal Purja rejected his proposal as the compensation amount for his 2 and a half floor house was too much. Purja took the proposal of building a house at that place to Ghising but Purja’s proposal was rejected by Ghising. He insisted that he would need 58 million for compensation.Purja could not pay the amount and the dispute started to escalate.

Ghising is the owner of the foreign employment company ‘Diamond Overseas Services Pvt Ltd’. Ghising had taken a loan of 80 lakh rupees to run this company only 2 years ago by mortgaging the same house. While taking the said loan, the bank itself had insured Rs 1 crore 10 lakhs. Ghising has already taken 20 lakh rupees of that insurance.It is said that the payment of the remaining insurance amount is still in process, but the representative of Elite Himalayan Adventure Company complains that he did not tell the representative of Elite Himalayan Adventure Company that he had taken the insurance amount and that he is making many threats to defame the name of Nirmal Purja.

According to Baruwal, House Owner Ghising is bargaining because Nirmal Purja is famous in the country and abroad and she has a lot of money. Some time ago, when Elite Himalayan Adventure Company offered to build a house, he demanded that he should get one crore rupees along with the house. Baruwal says, “It seems that the purpose of House Owner ghising is to get money in any way.” Because he insists that money is needed anyway, this dispute is getting worse than being resolved.Baruwal is of the opinion that Poorja came into disrepute because he did not get money.

On Mangsir 1, 2076, they made an agreement to restore the house. In which it is mentioned that if there is any damage on the part of the company during the rental period, the company has to pay for it. But according to the Civil Code, legal scholars argue that there is no double compensation for any damage. After taking the insurance amount, it is unfair to ask for compensation again.

Attempts to discredit through social media

The Ghising family is defaming Nirmal Purja through social media. Purja complains that they shared pictures of Purja on social media and made many accusations and slanders.

The social media controversy had reached the ward office and the Judicial Committee of Budhanilkanth Municipality. In the Rohbar of the ward, there was an agreement that the Ghising family would not write many things on social media in connection with Nirmal Purja, but the Ghising family is still making many accusations and hateful expressions about Purja. The Ghising family is planning to spread hatred about Nirmal Purja. The real victim is Purja,” says Baruwal.

Home Owner’s accusation is not true

Although the cause of the fire is said to have been caused by a cooking gas cylinder, owner Ghising’s family alleges that Nirmal Purja kept other explosives there. But some facts to confirm this have not been found yet.

On the day of the fire, the Ghising family went to Bouddha to buy goods and only when they got close to the house did they realize that their house was on fire.

That evening, due to the explosion after the fire, the wall on one side of the two floors was destroyed, while the walls and doors of other nearby houses were cracked.

It seems that about 20 oxygen gas cylinders were destroyed in the explosion. Even though the oxygen cylinder used for trekking was said to have burst, the locals claimed that there was a sound like a bomb going off again and again. But so far, nothing has been found to suggest that there are other flammable substances other than the oxygen cylinder that burst into such a sound. Mingma David Sherpa, another owner of Elite Company, says that he made baseless allegations to force Nirmal Purja’s image down.

Representatives of Elite Company say that this dispute has arisen because the housewife, Tanka Ghising, said that she needs money anyway. Purja says that the family of the person who died in the fire incident is still being provided monthly salary. Despite doing this, the family of the deceased has been accused of raising their objections by House Owner Ghising by doing many things.

Tanka Ghising himself says that after the fire, he met his daughter-in-law Tanka Ghising and said, “don’t worry brother and now everything will be sorted out slowly”. But later he is accused of saying that he cannot pay the compensation, that’s why he has reached the court now. But Nirmal Purja denies the accusation of ghising saying that “we cannot pay compensation”. According to him, after Ghising asked for a large amount of money for his house, he said that he would build the house, but he did not agree to that and he is doing all this to collect 5.8 Crore.

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